Category Daily Thoughts


Sometimes I have to remind myself of all the amazing opportunities that will arise while being in Kenya this upcoming year…I have been so focused on preparing my heart and mind to transition into the role of “Dorm Mom,” that…

Dorm Mom Name

Ok, I need to take a vote.  The girls on my dorm hall will not be allowed to call me just plain “Emily,” because RVA wants to establish respectfulness and a sense of my authority and care over them. What…

if i had a hammer…

For the past year, this dear cubicle has been my work’ home’.   I have learned more here–through research, paperwork, e-mails, software, and phone calls–than I ever thought possible.   Sadly, August 3 will be my last day, so I’ve…

Play on Words

Today, I was sitting in Starbucks with my friend drinking a decaf, extra-hot Mocha, and had a couple fun moments where certain language and vocabulary leapt out of my tongue, and I was sort of shocked at where it came…


what have i been doing lately? ::meeting jade ::   Last Saturday, I got to go meet Jon and Jenni’s newest little addition, Jade Lydia.   the smiths are like family to me, and it is always fun to be…

Life is Hard, Move On

Still being a single, this video is refreshingly witty and simple when it comes to the game of love. I saw this on Josh Harris’s blog this morning and it absolutely cracked me up.  Dates, crushes, the whole nine yards.  Nine-year-old…

Travelers, come on in…

Seven special people are coming into town this week and next.  I never anticipated that all of them would come within the same 7 days, but the more the merrier! First up is BRITT McKenna, from Tucson.  We’ve been friends…

Bachelorette Pad

As of October 6, I will have a new roomate.  Timarie Lambros from Tucson, Arizona.  Timarie is the younger sister of one of Nora’s best girlfriends from Gilbert: Becky Ross.  This past March, when I found out that Timarie was…

valentines day humor

On this Valentines Day of 2008, I have chosen my little bro Brett to be my valentine. I woke up this morning to find a wonderful, thoughtful and incredibly sweet card from him communicating his affection and gratefulness for me.…

a rainy start to February

Happy February, everyone! It has been raining cats and dogs… and, err, elephants, horses, and multiple other animals for close to 20 hours now.  POURING rain, too.  like the kind of rain that makes you want to curl up in…