Bachelorette Pad

As of October 6, I will have a new roomate.  Timarie Lambros from Tucson, Arizona.  Timarie is the younger sister of one of Nora’s best girlfriends from Gilbert: Becky Ross.  This past March, when I found out that Timarie was going to be visiting her boyfriend, Ben, for a week over spring-break, I told Timarie that we had to be friends because our sisters were good friends, and I thought we should stay with us because I thought we would hit it off well.  And we did!  So, now “T” is going to stay at my house for 7 weeks and “live life” alongside Ben for a short period of time.

To say the least, I am excited.  Because I went to community college for two years, and then to Shady Grove Universities to finish my undergraduate studies (a commuter campus), I never got to experience the “college dorm room life” that I always would have liked to do.  So, this will be my version of it.  On top of that, Britt McKenna is moving here in just a few weeks, and she is also good friends with Timarie because they are a part of the Tucson Sovereign Grace Church together.  Britt and I met 3 summers ago when she came here for an internship in the Washington, D.C. area, and stayed in touch throughout college.

It will be interesting to have the house be dominated by the female population once again.

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