Proverbs 3: 5-6

Many of us know, and have memorized, the classic Proverb of King Solomon from Proverbs 3:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

This scripture is certainly one that I have recounted year and year!  It is like an old, precious nugget of truth that you just keep coming back to…when the future seems cloudy, when questions stay unanswered, when difficult decisions must be made, when the next step forward seems incredibly scary…God continues to minister to His people through this piece of scripture.  As I prepare to leave for Kenya in just 8 days, these words have brought much comfort.

That is why I have so appreciated our church’s recent Sermon Series on the book of Proverbs.  Our senior pastor, Josh Harris, just spent the past two Sundays in study of Proverbs 9, where we have met and studied the lives of “Lady Wisdom” and “Woman Folly”.  (Read more about it here).  We are also doing corporate scripture memory of various verses in Proverbs, including Proverbs 4:18 and 3:5-6.

As I have rehearsed these memory verses in my head, a poem incorporating both verses (Proverbs 4:18 and 3:5-6) quickly began to formulate onto paper.  I thought I would share this poem with you.  I hope it ministers to you today, and brings some good food for thought!


If only we would rise to pray,

and thank our Father every day,

for breath, and life, and food to eat,

ears to hear, and eyes to meet –

the joys & trials, one and all,

that from heaven, to us, fall,

such holy pleasure we may find,

in our simple, sinful minds,

to take steps in, and towards His will,

though His shoes, too large to fill.

And out the door, perhaps we’ll see,

fresh glimpses of eternity,

that brush creation, little things,

and the hearts of human beings.

would we not, then stop to praise,

the Lord, for all His mysterious ways?

His power extends from east to west,

and in perfect wisdom, deems what is best.

Who are we, to question His plan,

when His eye covers, Earth’s broad span?

Yet many, the burdensome lies we bear,

they drag us down to doubt and despair!

Like fools shooting arrows in the dark,

We deny that perhaps we’ve missed the mark –

of truth and love and all that is holy,

virtue gained, when Jesus died for folly.

But, if we recall this Gospel Truth,

And, at the Cross, upon our knees stoop,

With humble awe and childlike faith,

We can, with joy, His wise plan embrace.

Trust Him, then! with all your heart,

to what you understand, lean not!

For being wise in your own eyes,

Will result in evil, and compromise.

But fear the Lord, and develop a taste,

For His whole counsel, not a bit to waste.

And if we acknowledge, Him in every way,

Our path will shine brighter until full day,

Narrow, but oh! so straight, it will be,

And on it, He’ll lead us into eternity.


  1. Those were the favorite verses as well of Gerald Ford, and he and wife Betty meditated upon them as he entered the Presidency.

  2. Hey Em!
    I love that verse. The other day at church, our pastor had us say it but switched the pronouns to “I”…

    I will trust in the Lord with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways acknowledge Him and He will make my path straight.

    As you’re getting closer and closer to your departure date, this will be my prayer for you… I’m sure in some ways moving across the world makes no sense to you. But God is faithful… He’s going to bring you on an incredible journey!

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