Category Africa


Sometimes I have to remind myself of all the amazing opportunities that will arise while being in Kenya this upcoming year…I have been so focused on preparing my heart and mind to transition into the role of “Dorm Mom,” that…

Dorm Mom Name

Ok, I need to take a vote.  The girls on my dorm hall will not be allowed to call me just plain “Emily,” because RVA wants to establish respectfulness and a sense of my authority and care over them. What…

New York

July 4 weekend this year was quiet and entirely restful, thanks to Uncle Erik’s hospitality at his country home in Pine Bush, NY.  Dad, Mom, Brett and I made the 8 hour trek up Route I-95 to spend 3 days…

Kedong Upper East

I received the official word this morning from the Dorm Facilitator at RVA that I have been assigned to the 9th grade girls’ dorm room in “Kedong Upper East” (KUE).  Perhaps my apartment won’t be quite as beautiful or luxurious as the apartments…


Fundraising.   At first glance, this word evokes thoughts of political campaigns, non-profit organizations, grand charity events, mentally-nagging brochures that leave you feeling guilty until you at least skim over them, pledge forms that linger on one’s desk, and a…

Through the Unknowns…

My sister, Nora and I were talking yesterday about me moving to Africa  Yesterday, I received some e-mails from RVA that really hit home, and made me get emotional about the reality that I really am going to leave home in 11…

Fun Facts

Kenya will be my new “home-country,” if you will.   So, what can I tell you about it?                             10. Kenya spans an area about 85% the…


Dear Family and Friends, I have some exciting and perhaps a bit surprising news for you. On August 14, 2009, I will be taking a “leap of faith” into Kenya for 11 months.   Yes, you read that correctly.  Lord…

Uganda 2008: A Seed Planted

Home. I miss Africa terribly already. It is a beautiful land, with beautiful people, and sunrises that take your breath away. January is summer for them, so the days began and ended with a fleece jacket on, and 12-4 forming…

Onyango: A Ugandan Boy Healed by the Lord

 Miracles do happen.  Onyango’s dance proves it.  This video brought me to tears: of joy, anticipation to perhaps meet this sweet little boy, of pure wonder and awe…God is the Mender and Healer of all our infirmities, and I am…

A Fundraiser for Africa

This past Friday night, the Covenant Life Church Singles Ministry teamed up with our Uganda team in hosting a Fundraiser Concert for our trip.  Two local bands–Zelos from Gaithersburg and the John Reilly Band from Philadelphia–drew the crowd together for some good music, while team-members and I…