blessed to be beyond the books

Today we celebrated my college graduation with a PAR-TAY!

The flowers are now in full bloom, and it was a sunny, breezy 75 degrees or so.

Melinda Wilson, Me, and Danielle Chauvin enjoying our Izzes

Dear friends, such as the Renkes family (above: Lisa Renkes and Mom) came by and celebrated with me. Long-time church friends, like the Wards, Wilsons, Tedesco’s, and Lotinsky’s; “Newer” church friends, like Josh and Shannon Harris; families that I babysat for over the years, such as the Stewarts, Halowells, and Cooneys; extended relatives, like my Uncle Hal and Aunt Dawn Hiemstra (Hal is my Dad’s first cousin), and Uncle Kevin “Boyfriend” Lee and Brandon and Shelby; of course, Grandma and my immediate family were there! And, lots of Single friends who have been awesome companions and buddies throughout elementary school, high-school, and college. It was SUCH a blessing to have everyone together and think back about how much God has done in my life, and through these people.

Jesica Renkes, Me, Elise Mays, and Lauren Lotinsky

Me and Kate McMahon being silly…don’t ask what we were doing, cause I don’t even know!

me and my wonderful, amazing, smart, intelligent, genius, loving, generous, caring, kind-hearted GRANDMA. Grandma Marian Dahl helped me mentally, spiritually, and financially MANY times throughout the past four years: taking me shopping for new, fall clothes, helping me get to Uganda, giving me spontaneous checks in the mail, and always being there just to talk on the phone or go out to lunch for a leisurely get-together.

and last but not least, my parents–who went ABOVE and BEYOND to make this a special day for me. Thanks, Dad and Mom for your encouragement, prayers, financial support, many talks in the kitchen and at the dinner table, helping me walk through every difficult situation, reminding me of God’s faithfulness, granting me the freedom to thrive and develop my gifts and callings, being my Land Lord and Lady for 4 years and letting me live at home in my “princess suite” upstairs, and basically keeping me alive—who else could ask for a better hook-up? Free Food for Four years! AND, Starbucks coffee in the mornings, too! Wow, I had it good.

So, what’s up next?

Relaxing for the next few weeks

Cooking for Dad and Brett while Mom goes off to Phoenix to be there for the birth of BABY SHANK

June 23-July 2: off to Phoenix for fun times with Travis, Nora, Baby, and my Tucson gals, Britt McKenna and Timarie Lambros

July 7: my new job starts at JFW!

August 9-16: Family Vacation with Jon, Jenni and Carson Smith in the Outer Banks, NC

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