Category Spiritual


It is Christmastime.  And on the heels of an intense, epic year of travel (10 countries) work (moving to Korea for 6 months) and school (finishing graduate school), all I want to do is sleep and rest.  I find myself…

Longing that makes the Heart grow Deep

In honor of Saint Aurelius Augustine’s birthday: November 13, 354, Tagaste, Numidia I remember reading “Confessions” in my senior year of high-school.  I was on the couch with a torn ACL, longing to be on the basketball court with my fellow team-mates…

Seasons Part 2: The State of Waiting

This is Seasons Part 2: The State of Waiting. I’ve been in a sort of grave for the past three days.  The stomach flu hit me fast and furiously on Friday afternoon, and I have finally risen this morning, feeling…

Seasons Part 1: The State of Being

Take my Life, Let it BE -  Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;  Take my Moments and my Days,  Let them flow in ceaseless praise. The song came up next in my Spotify playlist as I was driving to work this week.  Let it…

Fully Known

I don’t know why I’m single, like I don’t know why I’m saved; Grace lives in the desert, And Grace pours down like rain. It’s not that I’m not Found, It’s that I’m fully Known; And mysteries in the dark?…

Embracing the Wait at your Watchpost

  Habakkuk 2-3 | Embracing the Wait at your Watch-post “I will take my stand at my watch-post, and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint. And the Lord answered…


I’ve been reflecting on Mercy this week.  Both because I’ve been in need of it, and been shown it, but also because I’ve been given opportunities to extend it. We as humans tend to swing from one end of the…

What is Home?

I’ve lived out of my suitcase a lot this year…which, in retrospect, surprises me a bit, because I thought that after Africa, I was going to ‘settle down’ a bit.  I guess I’ve caught the travel bug for good… From…

Waiting for Mercy

“When God makes us knock at mercy’s gate, it is a great blessing.  When we plead with God and have not realized success, we become more earnest and more intent and our hunger increases.  If we obtained the blessing when…

Jesus Prays for Us

June 3, Octavius Winslow, Morning Thoughts But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: – Luke 22:32 The Lord as its Shepherd goes before His flock. He precedes it every step, not only to map its path,…


.Eucharisteo. “The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning “grace.”  Jesus took the bread and saw it as grace and gave thanks.  He took the bread and knew it to be a gift and gave thanks.  But there is more…Eucharisteo,…

: faithful :

In the past few weeks, there has been a heaviness of spirit and sorrow among our church family and within my own soul. Not only have two dearly loved members of Covenant Life Church gone on to be with the…