Category Daily Thoughts


It is Christmastime.  And on the heels of an intense, epic year of travel (10 countries) work (moving to Korea for 6 months) and school (finishing graduate school), all I want to do is sleep and rest.  I find myself…

Longing that makes the Heart grow Deep

In honor of Saint Aurelius Augustine’s birthday: November 13, 354, Tagaste, Numidia I remember reading “Confessions” in my senior year of high-school.  I was on the couch with a torn ACL, longing to be on the basketball court with my fellow team-mates…

Hello again, Africa

This is my story. A bit re-told. Perhaps, redundant. But mostly, re-ignited. It’s been so long so I’ve written on my blog. My inbox shows thousands of deleted and sent e-mails after four years of work and development of relationships…

Let Down Your Anchor

Let down your anchor, Wayfaring soul, Rest your Trust, and be Still; For with the Winds, We give way, To currents of our own will. On great waters, Or close to shore, Our souls grow weathered like a sail; We…

A Feather of Courage for the New Year

In November, my sister, Nora, gave me this gold feather Etsy necklace for my 28th birthday.  She said it was my Courage for 2014. My Courage… The Quakers have historically used white feathers as symbols of Peace.  In Downtown Abbey,…

Embracing the Wait at your Watchpost

  Habakkuk 2-3 | Embracing the Wait at your Watch-post “I will take my stand at my watch-post, and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint. And the Lord answered…

a new place, new things to ponder

I am standing in a new place.  And, with this new place comes fresh inspiration to write again. To reflect, to ponder, to capture moments, to challenge, to invent, to improvise, and to record. In the past three months, I…


I’ve been reflecting on Mercy this week.  Both because I’ve been in need of it, and been shown it, but also because I’ve been given opportunities to extend it. We as humans tend to swing from one end of the…

A new adventure…

This summer has been a bittersweet time of hello’s and goodbye’s. In early June, I had the joy of meeting some incredibly interesting people at the Young Ambassadors for Opportunity (YAO) June 12th regional event, at which we raised awareness…

While My Days Go On

“For us, whatever’s undergone, Thou knowest, willest what is done, Grief may be joy misunderstood; Only the Good discerns the good. I trust Thee while my days go on. Whatever’s lost, it first was won; We will not struggle nor…

Springing Forward…Laughing

We sprang forward today.  Ahh, lovely Daylight Savings Time…yes, when you lose an hour of sleep, but the evenings become suddenly lighter for longer.  It always makes you feel like you are springing forward faster into warmth and away from…