
beneath my feet

Their lives are broken, As cracked as the red, dry dirt, Beneath my feet, under my toes. I smell the angst of poverty. I sniff the dung of the cows, I climb the hills of weighted burdens. Every crack; like…

old year, new year

Old year, going, take with you, All our failures, sorrows, too; Memories of bitter years, old regrets and futile tears – Fret and envy, greed and spite. Take them with you, pray tonight. Pride too lofty, dreams too crude, Hate,…

Christmas Greetings!

Dear Family & Friends, John 14:1-3 says, “Let not your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God; believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many rooms.  If it were not so, would I have told you that I go…

a new place, new things to ponder

I am standing in a new place.  And, with this new place comes fresh inspiration to write again. To reflect, to ponder, to capture moments, to challenge, to invent, to improvise, and to record. In the past three months, I…


I’ve been reflecting on Mercy this week.  Both because I’ve been in need of it, and been shown it, but also because I’ve been given opportunities to extend it. We as humans tend to swing from one end of the…