
The Green Grass Right Here

I saw the grass on the other side, Wondering why my seed had died, Barren over and over again, Something was wrong with the land I was in. They said it took just a mustard seed, But all I saw…

Manger Reflections

Straw We who were Barren, Came upon this Babe –  In a time when we thought,  The seed had died, the last word had been said. Twas strange, the way A perfect God,  Could take on human flesh, and be…

Put down your Pen

Do you remember the day you held your first diary or journal in hand?  It was like a rite of passage into womanhood.  It wasn’t just about penning petty crushes or your life bucket list.  Sure, those moments of time…

Longing that makes the Heart grow Deep

In honor of Saint Aurelius Augustine’s birthday: November 13, 354, Tagaste, Numidia I remember reading “Confessions” in my senior year of high-school.  I was on the couch with a torn ACL, longing to be on the basketball court with my fellow team-mates…

Seasons Part 2: The State of Waiting

This is Seasons Part 2: The State of Waiting. I’ve been in a sort of grave for the past three days.  The stomach flu hit me fast and furiously on Friday afternoon, and I have finally risen this morning, feeling…