

Tigresse Woods

Who, me? Tigresse Woods? Well, not really. I am certainly NOT a pro-golf athlete, let alone comparable to Tiger Woods… So, life here at RVA has led me into some unexpected situations as of late. Namely, golf! The PE coach…

Trust God's Heart

When trials arise, and circumstances in life are less than favorable, I don’t doubt how tempting it is question God’s heart of love. We just want to know that someone truly cares, is looking out for our best interest, and…

KUE Picnic

This afternoon, the girls and I enjoyed a leisurely picnic up in the Stocksdales’ backyard. Our original plan for today was to go off-campus to a retreat center, but they had a “lock-in” last night, so were up all night…

Love is in the Air…

…or, rather, in our bellies! These scrumptious cookies – Pecan Linzer Heart Cookies with Strawberry Jam Filling – came out sooo yummy. Light, nutty, crunchy, and slightly sweet with the jam flavor. And, they were easy to make! Are you…

KUE Beat H1N1

As of Tuesday night, all my girls were finally ALL home from the Infirmary. One had Typhoid; others had the stomach flu; others had 102 fevers; some had plain, nasty coughs and head-colds and aches. While they are still recovering…

A Room with a View

This weekend, I had the privilege of attending the AIM Ladies Retreat in Nairobi from Saturday morning to Sunday evening. Many RVA ladies, along with ladies from other various ministries under AIM, all gathered for 3 days of food, fellowship,…


Dear all, A handful of students here at Rift Valley Academy have been confirmed with H1N1. To date, no student has had symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized. The administration, in consultation with Kijabe Hospital doctors, has restricted travel on…

After 5 months of living in Africa (as of Jan 15), I have learned to expect the unexpected. EVERY day. Here’s a summary of my week to prove the point. MONDAY: Surprised by…something 🙂 Can’t remember at the moment. I…