

Trials and Temptations

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, once said to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations:“Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of MANY KINDS, because you know that the testing of…

Real Life Sci-Fi

Last Thursday and Friday was quite an adventure. Being the poor college student that I am, I decided to participate in a NIH research schizophrenia study last Thursday and Friday. These people pretty much pay you a lot of money…


i caught a whopper of a sinus cold on saturday. everything is fuzzy, and my head feels like it weighs 25 pounds. please pray that i would feel better.

Funny First Day of School

Yesterday was exciting. And sometimes the best part about crazy days are that they usually happen when you least expect them to. If you’ll take a moment to read this, I would love to tell you my story.Yesterday was my…

Worthy 06 Youth Retreat

The Scapegoats… Christy, our Mother Hen, was probably off working somewhere… 6 Admin girls.5 saved.4 Admin boys.3 floors to patrol at midnight.3 healed, permanently and temporarily.2 souls that passed each other in the night–Kathy Bowers and Sarah Faith Brewer1 who…

Bored, Nothing to Do

Well, not really…just for a few minutes on the way to Bethany Beach while Brett and I were in the backseat fighting for leg-room. The title of this post is actually from a book that my brother used to read…

The Law vs. Grace

Galations 5:1, 4-6 says: “It is FOR freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery…You who are trying to be justified by the law have…

The Simple Things of Summer

Day Trip to NYC with my Caregroup–July 8 Java Junction for iced-tea after the market with my Mom… This little girl was at the market today…so precious… The market has so much–corn, apples, peppers, wild honey, blackberries, tomatoes, apricots, peaches,…

Cheese, anyone?

Did you know that Holland is the largest exporter of cheese in the world? In 1991 alone, the Dutch produced over 600 million kilos of cheese, which was sold to various Western European countries, as well as the U.S. and…

I Scream for Ice-Cream

Vanilla Ice-cream with chunks of Reese’s peanut butter cups and dark chocolate (Clockwise from top)Pink Grapefruit sorbet, low-fat Peach frozen yogurt, and Coconut yogurt custard My handy-dandy Cuisinart base! Ever since I read “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” when I…