

Pray for Kenya

“Dear Praying Friends of AIM, From time to time significant issues face a people that merit special attention and prayer focus. Kenya is heading into such a time on the 4th of August and the days following, as citizens of…


With just three days left in Kenya, it’s hard to feel like I have a dwelling place right now, physically and relationally. Not only do we dwell some WHERE, we also dwell in community WITH others. And, when these are…

.mamma mj.

The girls are gone. Miss Emily, mother, motivator. Arbitrater, auditor, awarder, adventurer. Memory-maker. Mentor, messenger. Au pair, ambassador, aunt, agent. Missionary, migrater. Juggler, judge, joy-filler, and journey-er. “The Lord has done great things for me; I am filled with joy…Those…


Yesterday, I hosted my inside worker, Emily Maingi, her daughters Mary and Rose, and Emily’s mother – Mary – for lunch at my house. What a treat it was to have 3 generations of Maingi women sitting at the table…


.UGANDA. This post is long overdue, but better late than never. This past midterm (June 3-7), I hopped over to my neighbor country of Uganda to visit a dear friend, Carly Batten, who just moved there this past March for…

One Day Soon

One day soon, I will go, Back to what was so well known. But this place, one quite strange, Feels oddly more like home. In this time, I have changed, And more than I can say. It’s simply happened over…

Two and Twenty Four

Two days ago, after having returned from twenty-four hours of FUN with my amazing 7th grade “Caring Community” group out at the Stocksdales’ beautiful “Maisha Cottage” in Naivaisha for an overnight/cookout/river swimming time, …I had the pleasure of helping my…